Y Strap Chiropractic Adjustment Safe

Y Strap Chiropractic Adjustment Safe

7/23/2019  · It is up to the Chiropractor to limit excess rotation to fortify the safety of the patient. The Y Strap does not induce torque on the spine, if performed properly. It allows the Chiropractor to essentially “pull” the spine in the Y (straight) axis. However, the Chiropractor MUST make certain they are pulling straight.

9/1/2019  · Conclusion. The Y-Strap is used to stretch the spine, some chiropractors or physiotherapists use the Y-Strap to execute a Y-Axis adjustment. Other manual techniques as the use of Towels or other straps are also used for this procedure.

IS THE Y STRAP CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT SAFE?, The Chiropractic Neck Adjustment: Is it Safe ?, IS THE Y STRAP CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT SAFE?, IS THE Y STRAP CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENT SAFE?, 9/4/2020  · The Y – Strap when used properly is very safe . The doctor should do a thorough history and examination of the patient before attempting to perform this procedure. This should minimize any complications of such a procedure. Most clinics will typically start with you getting accustomed to the chiropractic adjustments first before the Y Strap .

It definitely doesn’t look comfortable, nor does it look safe – but most cases in the chiropractic field that have gone awry don’t involve the Y-strap. So that could be some good news, or at the very least, just news. A permanent solution would entail you not needing to come back for another adjustment again.

(Special Announcement) Mar 16, 2020 For those concerned about coronavirus/COVID-19, we can reassure you that we: Wipe treatment tables with disinfectant after each patient. Wash our …
